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salesforce wsdl reference question-- who can give me any advises?

Hello, everyone.

I have met a question:

I created new Windows Forms Application(VS2008 C#),and then, I add service reference "partner.wsdl"(I generated this file from salesforce.come, and then copied it to my project floder.), I view the file "Reference.cs", and didn't find the class " public partial class SforceService : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol", so, I can't use  SforceService , and why the SforceService didn't generate?

Who can help me?





Its because you picked service reference, which generates a WCF based stub, which uses different classes and a different programming model. You need to make sure you're creating a web reference, not a service reference (unless you want to use the WCF based stuff), In VS.NET 2008, the web reference option IIRC, is hidden under the advanced button on the add service reference dialog.


         You are right. Thank you very much. According  to your hint ,I already have solved that problem.





