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Not able to add new Field to Account object

hello All,


I am not able to add a new custom fields to Account object. Did I messup my account somewhere / is it something else ?


I clicked, stepup -> App Setup -> Accounts -> Fields. Here I donot see an option to add new fields, although I can edit and replce some of the already existing fields.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

after you click fields, can you see a section called Account Custom Fields & Relationships, if you can, then click the "new" button here, then you can add a new field to account

All Answers


after you click fields, can you see a section called Account Custom Fields & Relationships, if you can, then click the "new" button here, then you can add a new field to account

This was selected as the best answer

Hi Sunny,


You will need "Customize Application" permission to create custom fields.


