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how to write Trigger to update Opportunity field from contact field



In my organisation an Opportunity is created from Contact related list. I have two feilds

LeadSource on Contact

LeadSource on Opportunity


 I have a requirement where I am supposed to update a feild value Lead Source in opportunity from Contact field Lead Source


I have written the below trigger which is not working since I am using after insert, after update in my trigger call.


trigger OpportunityLeadSourceUpdate on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
List<Contact> conList = new List<Contact>();
OpportunityContactRole ContactRoles = [select OpportunityID, ContactID from OpportunityContactRole where OpportunityID =:]; System.debug('@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'+ContactRoles ); Contact c= [Select id, LeadSource from Contact where id =: ContactRoles.ContactID ]; Opportunity opp = [Select LeadSource from Opportunity where id =: ContactRoles.OpportunityID]; opp.LeadSource = c.LeadSource; System.debug('@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'+ opp.LeadSource); }

 I am not able to capture the value into opp.LeadSource since the trigger is firing after insertion.


Is there any workaround for this


Please help me



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi, I  Could solve this using @future.

Thanks sfdcfox for sharing me the piece of code.


trigger OpportunityLeadSourceUpdate on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {

    if(!system.isfuture()) {



public class getleadsource {

  public static void forrecords(set<id> oppids) {
    map<id, opportunity> opps = new map<id, opportunity>();
    for(opportunitycontactrole record:[select contact.leadsource,contact.Lead_Source_Most_Recent_Eloqua__c,opportunityid from opportunitycontactrole where opportunityid in :oppids]) {
      opps.put(record.opportunityid, new opportunity(id=record.opportunityid,,;
    update opps.values();



All Answers

Do you have to use after insert, after update ? Could you use the before insert/update events instead?

If your requirement is to capture the value of LeadSource from contact to related opportunity, then you can write trigger on Contact and update the corresponding opportunity records.


Hi, I  Could solve this using @future.

Thanks sfdcfox for sharing me the piece of code.


trigger OpportunityLeadSourceUpdate on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {

    if(!system.isfuture()) {



public class getleadsource {

  public static void forrecords(set<id> oppids) {
    map<id, opportunity> opps = new map<id, opportunity>();
    for(opportunitycontactrole record:[select contact.leadsource,contact.Lead_Source_Most_Recent_Eloqua__c,opportunityid from opportunitycontactrole where opportunityid in :oppids]) {
      opps.put(record.opportunityid, new opportunity(id=record.opportunityid,,;
    update opps.values();



This was selected as the best answer