function readOnly(count){ }
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Can anybody help me in creating a Salesforce application on blackberry?
Charan - do you intend to create a new custom BB app that gets data from Or are you simply asking how to install/configure the standard BB mobile client for Salesforce? If latter, then this should help -
Thanx for the reply.
No i want to create an app using REST API.
I am a bit confused about using callback uri in remote access.
Suggest me how to create an app at earliest.
Charan - do you intend to create a new custom BB app that gets data from Or are you simply asking how to install/configure the standard BB mobile client for Salesforce? If latter, then this should help -
Thanx for the reply.
No i want to create an app using REST API.
I am a bit confused about using callback uri in remote access.
Suggest me how to create an app at earliest.