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Red: Adding Salesforce Wsdl to Jitter Bit
How can i add salesforce EnterPrise Wsdl to the Jitter bit?
function readOnly(count){ }
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How can i add salesforce EnterPrise Wsdl to the Jitter bit?
I would start at the Jitterbit for Salesforce site:
I know this question is ages old, but other people might benefir from a decent reply.
If you create an outbound message, ie: a Workflow Action, you will choose your fields, save and then land on the message details.
You will see a link to the WSDL. Do not open it and copy. Right click the link and save to a .wsdl file.
When you go and create a new Jitterbit "Hosted HTTP Endpoint", it will ask you for the WSDL you saved. Just browse and select it so Jitterbit imports and parses it.
I hope this helps others.