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creating a new user

Hi All,


I am using Salesforce enterprise edition.I am a system administrator.I am trying to create a new user with "standard user" profile. In the  user license drop down list, I can see only three options chatter free, free and salesforce platform.I do not see salesforce user license. It is preventing me from creating a user with standars user profile.Could anyone please let me know what could be the issue? Your help is greatly appreciated.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Hi Rima,


You need to check if you have license to create user of Salesforce User in your organization.


You can do this by :


Setup > Administration Setup > Company Profile > Company Information

There you can see User Licenses and Feature Licenses.



Ankit Arora

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All Answers

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Hi Rima,


You need to check if you have license to create user of Salesforce User in your organization.


You can do this by :


Setup > Administration Setup > Company Profile > Company Information

There you can see User Licenses and Feature Licenses.



Ankit Arora

Blog | Facebook | Blog Page

This was selected as the best answer



Thank you for the response. I did check the company information and found out that we do not have any more Salesforce license. Your response was helpful.I greatly appreciate your help.