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who has used partner.wsdl as wcf in the application?

hello, veryone.
I want to partner.wsdl as wcf service in the application, but there are some problems like that:
1. after login,how to set serverUrl property?
2. call method: client.loginAsync("usreName", "password"), then, the exception has occured:KeyNotFoundException
Is there anyone has used wsdl as wcf service?


I did some investigations with the early Indigo CTPs, don't know if the current WCF stack is any better. 


Dear Simon:

       Thank you very much.

       According to your advise, I have tried. I found that: It will success when I refered to in an C# application,but It will not work in silverlight application.In silverlight application, there is an error when login:System.IAsyncResult _result = base.BeginInvoke("login", _args, callback, asyncState); KeyNotFoundException, I don't know why.


      Thank you all the same.



