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Refresh highlights panel in console

In Service cloud console we have a custom edit button on account which redirects to a vf page. There is a custom Save button on this page. If we change any data(like phone number ) and save it, the new info is not refreshed in the highlights panel.

However if we use the standard edit page or inline edit the highlights panel is automatically refreshed to show the update info.


Is there a way to just refresh the hightlights panel?


Thanks in Advance.


I am also having problems on this one. Is there anyone out there who has a solution for this?


Service console tooklit has no function to update highlight panel. I am going to add an idea to provide a function to allow us to do that.

Marco ZeuliMarco Zeuli
Same problem here, it's very annoing
Marco ZeuliMarco Zeuli
Take a look here, maybe it will help you too ;)
Marco ZeuliMarco Zeuli
Take a look here, maybe it will help you too ;)