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Email Template Question

I am creating an email template. I would like the email template to show the first name of a contact attached to a custom object I build. I have tried this: {!Object__c.Contact__c.FirstName} but it shows up as a blank on the email. Is it possible to show just the first name of the contact related to the custom object. Thank. 

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I tried that and it didn't work for me. 


I have decided to go with a visualforce email template. I was able to get what I needed that way. Thanks for the help. 

All Answers


It might work if you just do {!Contact__c.FirstName}.


If not, one workaround is to make a formula field on the custom object (Contact__r.FirstName), but leave it off the page layout and only use it in your template. 


I tried that and it didn't work for me. 


I have decided to go with a visualforce email template. I was able to get what I needed that way. Thanks for the help. 

This was selected as the best answer