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Deleting related records in a trigger


Is there a way i cna delete existing related records under opporttunity such as product, when some oportunity fied changes? how would  go about it? any sample code would be gretly apreciated

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

you can do this in  a before/after update opportunity trigger


trigger tstopp on Opportunity(before update)


set<id> setoppIds = Trigger.newmap.keySet();


//now query the opportunity related records

//ex. for Products


list<OpportunityLineItem> lstLineItems = [select Id from OpportunityLineItem where OpportunityId in:setoppIds];

if(lstLineItems.size() > 0)

delete lstLineItems;






All Answers


you can do this in  a before/after update opportunity trigger


trigger tstopp on Opportunity(before update)


set<id> setoppIds = Trigger.newmap.keySet();


//now query the opportunity related records

//ex. for Products


list<OpportunityLineItem> lstLineItems = [select Id from OpportunityLineItem where OpportunityId in:setoppIds];

if(lstLineItems.size() > 0)

delete lstLineItems;






This was selected as the best answer

this si great, all worked perfectly

thank you

Hi,is there a way so that i can delete existing  any 2  records out of 10 child records by writing trigger on parent object in (After Update) ie. depending on any particular field on parent?
Vaibhav Parashar 2Vaibhav Parashar 2
Hi I am getting an error when I copy past the above code.  I am getting an Recuursive update error. Any help?
Vaibhav Parashar 2Vaibhav Parashar 2

SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER, Object (id = 0062800000AlUGv) is currently in trigger addProductonPriceBookChange, therefore it cannot recursively update itself: []: Trigger.addProductonPriceBookChange: line 44, column 1