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CRM Manager.ax991CRM Manager.ax991 

How to restrict users from seeing opportunity/quote but share accounts/contacts

Hi,  Users can access customer data that just that they own but across other accounts/contacts.  While we want the user to view other's accounts/contact,  we don't want the user to see the opportunity, quote etc., that they don't own. Is there a way to segregate this.  


If I set OWD on Opportunity to private, will it affect users of all levels (managers, VP etc.,). We use role based hierarchy. Apprecaite your help.   


How does sharing permissions work? When will this be useful?  


Apprecaite if some one could give an example of when to set to OWD vs Sharing 


If you set default access to private in opportunity object then it would be available for all Users until you did not override the

permission by writing a sharing rule for a specific profile. Apart from profile permission you have to set role hierarchy to get role based permission.

                                   i.           The users should be able to view/edit/delete records they own

                                   ii.          The users should be able to view/edit/delete records their subordinates own per the hierarchy.

                                   iii.         The users should not be able to view/edit/delete records of their superiors per the hierarchy.

CRM Manager.ax991CRM Manager.ax991

If you set the access property to 'Private' - you mean in OWD or user profile?  Also, by default, when we create a role hierarchy - say VP - Marketing -> Markerting Manager --> Marketing Executive


a) VP will have full visibility (Read/Write/Modify) on all records that manger and executive owns. Correct? Can this also be modified? 


 b) If we set private on Opportunity in OWD, my understanding is that the opportunity is not visible to anyone except for the user who owns the data? Is it so?