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(SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap(new;
Any ideas why this would stop working ?
SF API 6.0
Partner WSDL
this.binding = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap(new;
where sfurl={!API_Enterprise_Server_URL_60}
Any information on what information I can get back about the binding or why it fails would be appreciated....
SF API 6.0
Partner WSDL
this.binding = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap(new;
where sfurl={!API_Enterprise_Server_URL_60}
Any information on what information I can get back about the binding or why it fails would be appreciated....
Message Edited by codeWarrior on 10-25-2005 04:06 PM
Message Edited by codeWarrior on 10-25-2005 04:06 PM
Message Edited by codeWarrior on 10-25-2005 04:06 PM
It would appear that SforceServiceLocator is throwing a Instance error or something... I am not really sure. I cant really tell whether org.apache.axis.client.Service or com.sforce.soap.partner.SforceService is the cause....
Any ideas / assistance would be greatly appreciated...
Both dependencies appear in what looks to be the corect location:
The error occurs when trying to instance a new Soap binding:
this.binding = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap(new;
Tracing through the debugger -- I end up at the interface call in {
public class SforceServiceLocator extends org.apache.axis.client.Service implements com.sforce.soap.partner.SforceService { ...
The interface is exactly when/where the error is thrown.
Hey Simon.... I looked at this one real hard.... After reading the API docs and some other information on the SForce site -- I had restructured my libraries to conform to the SFDC publicized statement / standard of
Since I am using JDK1.4.2.08 I figured I had better behave and use Axis 1.1. In my case, the solution turns out to be: Use Axis-1.2 (axis.jar) with JDK I find this to be a little bit interesting ... I can't wait to see what happens when you guys adopt Axis-1.3 now that 1.1 is deprecated and 1.2 is GA...
I appreciate the assist...