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Service Cloud Console - Reload Frame Automatically?

I've had issues with my users having mutiple service cloud consoles opened.  Whenever she makes an update on case status on console window A, the changes are not reflected on console window B, unless she clicks on refresh.  


She was on the list view on Console Window B, clicked on the case, and the case frame did not automatically refresh if the case is already opened on another tab.  


Is there a way to cause the page frame to refresh every time the user clicks on the case from the list view, regardless if it's opened on a tab or not?


I could probably write a javascript button for the case frame to reload but I want to save the user from having to do the extra click if possible.


did figure out any work around for this. If so can you pls share.




Did you find anything for this? Can you please let me know the solution?


Jille TreffersJille Treffers
Make a javascript button with the following code where "00B24000001YnBx" is the ID of the list you want to refresh. To find this ID, use chrome, ctrl-shift-J and use the magnifying glass on the refresh button and see what ID it refreshes. The solution is ugly as the ID is hardcoded but it works.

After you click the button, the list will refresh every 5000 miliseconds. 

}, 5000);

function refreshIt(){