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java debug output

How can I turn the debug output off?  I have so much output printed to the console that I can't see my println statements so I'm forced to just step through the code in debug mode to see what's going's a small sample:
[DEBUG] - Enter: SOAPPart::getAsSOAPEnvelope()
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(currForm)
[DEBUG] - current form is FORM_SOAPENVELOPE
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(register00)
[DEBUG] - register 'soapenv' - ''
[DEBUG] - NSPush (32)
[DEBUG] - NSPush (32)
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(register00)
[DEBUG] - register 'soapenv' - ''
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(register00)
[DEBUG] - register 'xsd' - ''
[DEBUG] - NSPush (32)
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(register00)
[DEBUG] - register 'xsi' - ''
[DEBUG] - NSPush (32)
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(startElem00)
[DEBUG] - Start element []:Envelope
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(headers00)
[DEBUG] - 1 headers
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(startElem00)
[DEBUG] - Start element []:Header
[DEBUG] - NSPush (32)
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(startElem00)
[DEBUG] - Start element []:SessionHeader
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(register00)
[DEBUG] - register 'ns1' - ''
[DEBUG] - NSPush (32)
[DEBUG] - NSPush (32)
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(startElem00)
[DEBUG] - Start element []:sessionId
[DEBUG] - NSPush (32)
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(endElem00)
[DEBUG] - End element ns1:sessionId
[DEBUG] - NSPop (32)
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(endElem00)
[DEBUG] - End element ns1:SessionHeader
[DEBUG] - NSPop (32)
[DEBUG] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(endElem00)
[DEBUG] - End element soapenv:Header
[DEBUG] - NSPop (32)
If you are using log4j then you need to set the log level of your console log appender to some higher value.
See if you can find log4j properties file and set this level from DEBUG to WARN.
I have the level set to error but I'm still getting all the output.