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How do I validate no null value in 8 different pick-list fields?

I am trying to create a validation rule that will do the following when saving an Opportunity:


IF Stage is saved to Closed


THEN Check 8 different pick-list fields. If ANY of those 8 pick-list fields are blank then do not allow user to save Opportunity as Closed


What is the syntax for this validation rule?


Thank you for your help!


You can implement the below logic here for example Type and Leadsource is taken.

 Within the OR login you can validate your all 8 picklist . 



AND (ISPICKVAL( StageName,'Closed Won'), 
OR ( ISPICKVAL(Type,'' ) , ISPICKVAL( LeadSource ,''))) 
, true, false 



I've used the following syntax 


AND (ISPICKVAL( StageName,'Closed Won'),
OR ISPICKVAL( Server_Folder_Created__c ,'') , ISPICKVAL( Salesforce_Invoice__c ,'')))
, true, false



But keep getting a "Syntax error. Found 'OR'" error.


Any ideas? 


Yes friend you have missed out one left braket

use this one 


AND (ISPICKVAL( StageName,'Closed Won'),
OR (ISPICKVAL( Server_Folder_Created__c ,'') , ISPICKVAL( Salesforce_Invoice__c ,'')))
, true, false



Thank you, that works!

Please mark the post as resolved with appropriate answer , thanks