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Kent ManningKent Manning 

Single Sign On with Facebook as the authentication provider

We are interested in using Facebook as the authentication provider for SSO to Salesforce.  However, the setup instructions from Salesforce indicate that you need to create an application in Facebook.  I do not know what this application is or what it should do. Also, once you've created the application, how does this application then get distributed to all users so that they can login to Salesforce via Facebook?


If anyone has more information about this or suggestions on how to accomplish SSO with Facebook,  I would appreciate it if you would share your knowledge.


Thanks in advance





Hi Kent,

So a fb app can be nothing more than a simple page encased within Facebook's wrapper. Think iframe. Go to facebook, at the bottom, you'll see a link for 'developers'. You'll have to install their development app to your account, and then you can create facebook apps. 

Use this as a good quickstart -

Kent ManningKent Manning

Thanks Cowie for your reply.  We decided that SSO would not work for us at this time so we are abandoning the idea for now. Your help was much appreciated.