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getAxisClient Problem.... PLEASE HELP!!!!

Hello! I am starting a web project and need to use the web services API provided by Salesforce. I downloaded and tested Quickstart7 (Java) and everything works fine. I tried the same approach from a JSF page (I just try to login, but can't even reach the SoapBindingStub binding = null declaration!!!), I always get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception:


I use Java Studio Creator 2 and deploy to Sun Application Server 8 on a Windows XP. I put all the com.sforce... classes into a jar which is then put inside the WEB-INF/lib folder, together with all the jars in the lib folder I found in quickstart.jar. I tried to use the jars inside the JSP samples and the result is the same.
I then looked for the axis code (from Apache) and found:
    protected AxisClient getAxisClient() {
        return new AxisClient(getEngineConfiguration());
    ...    (extends AxisEngine)

    public AxisClient(EngineConfiguration config) {
    public AxisClient() {

The code in org.apache.axis.configuration.EngineConfigurationFactoryFinder is longer but mainly deals with Configurationand initialization issues, so it seems I haven't configured something ... or misconfigured it!
Can anybody help me? I searched the blog, the forums, the documentation and the Internet, I found people who have similar problems with Axis, but never the solution!
Thank you!
Ops... I forgot to update: In case others need it, I solved the problem. You need to add certain permissions to the Sun AppServer server.policy file in order to allow axis run!