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JSP hosting on salesforce

I have written an application in JSP,i wanted to host this page on salesforce.Does anyone have idea regarding the same??
Mike LeachMike Leach
The newly announced Apex language provides server-side execution of code.

Its syntax is similar to Java and PL/SQL.

JSPs cannot be properly validated and governed on SFDC.
api userapi user

Yes i will be able to write the business logic in APEX instead of JSP page,but will i be able to access a WebServices.

Also where will i be able to find the documents on APEX 

Ron HessRon Hess
Q. will i be able to access a WebServices.

Yes, packages you write may accessed via a WebService call.

When available you will find APEX documents on the ADN network site

Detailed APEX specifications are not publicly available yet.
Tran ManTran Man
Just to clarify, you will not able to access or consume an external web service from Apex code.  However, you can expose the Apex package as a Web service for others to consume.

Hi did you get the answer for jsp hosting on salesforce .com.Please reply me even i need that for my jsp pages.