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Mike LeachMike Leach 

Generic Outbound Message Listener

Is it possible to create a single, generic OM listener that is not early bound to any particular sObject type?
Looking to just grab sessionId and objectType from notification and query all available fields via Partner API.
Sure, its just XML, I wrote one a while back for testing that just captured the messages and displayed a list of the recent ones. Just write a HttpHandler that parses the XML request stream directly, its pretty trivial in .NET
Mike LeachMike Leach

Great idea. Thx!



Hi can you provide sample listener project




Hi can u please send a sample generic OM listener in .Net actually I need it for a project where I will be getting outbound message and creating folder in sherepoint. I am ok with sharepoint deveolpment but I need the listener.
It will be a great help
I created a http handler (ashx) but while sending out bound messages I am getting this errorin slaesforce. Is it something to do with firewall.No log is created in my logfile. Please tell me the possible causes.
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: Read timed out

Message Edited by Sumeet on 10-02-2007 07:11 AM