function readOnly(count){ }
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Is there any way to generate XML file with the QueryResult object?
When you create a Query to invoke on sforce, the query automatically is an XML document. Meaning when result is returned in a form of ResponseDocument, you automatically have an XML document.
for example:
//-->This is an XML doument
QueryResponseDocument queryResponseDocument = $scon.stub.query( queryDocument, $scon.sessionHeaderDocument, null, null, null);
//-->Therefore you can print to view the content or Pipe it to a file
//-->The actual response it also an XML file therefore you can system print to view its output
//-->or pipe it to a file on your local/remote disc
QueryResponse queryResponse = queryResponseDocument.getQueryResponse();
//--> Print the actual query result
QueryResult queryResult = queryResponse.getResult();
When you create a Query to invoke on sforce, the query automatically is an XML document. Meaning when result is returned in a form of ResponseDocument, you automatically have an XML document.
for example:
//-->This is an XML doument
QueryResponseDocument queryResponseDocument = $scon.stub.query( queryDocument, $scon.sessionHeaderDocument, null, null, null);
//-->Therefore you can print to view the content or Pipe it to a file
//-->The actual response it also an XML file therefore you can system print to view its output
//-->or pipe it to a file on your local/remote disc
QueryResponse queryResponse = queryResponseDocument.getQueryResponse();
//--> Print the actual query result
QueryResult queryResult = queryResponse.getResult();