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How to to get report column API name?

Hi Simon,


I am wondering if you could me help out this one:

How to get report column's  api name? From sample xml that the help doc provides(, I can see the columns node contains actual field api name:



But from the zip file I retrieved following your ,net sample code l,, I don't see api name for the column. Here is sample of report meta data I got:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Report xmlns="">
    <description>This is just a test!</description>
    <name>Test 2009</name>


Could you please point me out how to get column's API name? Thanks a lot!




We had developed an ORG comparison tool based on metadata API and there we were required to give a summary about reports in the org so for too we had use functions of metadata API, but it was a DOT net based third party tool.