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Merging lead information to a custom activity field with a custom event list button

I haven't done this in two years and I need a refresher please please.


Goal: Trying to merge Lead fields into a custom Note field on the Activity object to create a note EX:  "An appointment was set wit {Lead.Lead Name} of {Lead.Company Name} on {Lead.Appt Date}.  Contact infomation: {Lead.Address}, {Lead.City}, {Lead.State}, {Lead.Zip}. Email: {}. Phone: {}.


1. I created a custom list button for Events, and placed it on the Lead Page Layout under Activity related list. 

2. I used the following formula in the custom button:"An appointment was scheduled with "&{Lead.Lead.Name}&" of "&"{!Lead.Company}"&" on "&"{!Lead.Date_Time__c}"&". The company is located at: "&"{!Lead.Address}"&", "{!Lead.City}"&", "&"{!Lead.Street}"&","&"{!Lead.PostalCode}"&". Phone number: "&"&"{!Lead.Phone}"&". Email address: "&"{!Lead.Email}"&". If you need to reschedule, you can contact your telerep, "&"{!Lead.Telerep__c}"&"."


NOTE: It DOES bring me to a new activity but only merges "An appoinment was scheduled with ". Nothing else....


Please help, pretty pretty please. 




To start with, you cannot use "&" to concatenate together strings in a URL - "&" is an argument delimiter in querystrings. If you remove all of the embedded &s it should work much better.


You'll also want to remember the retURL.


Here's a blog post that might help. The details are different but the basics are the same:


Good luck!