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value {!} is not valid for the Sprint__c standard controller
public with sharing class CreateSPrintBacklogContExt_1 {
public List<Backlog__c> sblogs {get; set;}
public final Sprint__c parSprint;
public Request__c StartDate{get;set;}
public Request__c EndDate{get;set;}
public CreateSPrintBacklogContExt_1(ApexPages.StandardController myController) {
StartDate = new Request__c();
EndDate = new Request__c();
parSprint=[Select ID,Name,Project__c,Release__c from Sprint__c WHERE ID = :((Sprint__c)myController.getrecord()).ID];
sblogs = new List<Backlog__c>();
Backlog__c SBacklog = new Backlog__c();
SBacklog.Sprint__c = parSprint.Id;
public PageReference Insertbacklog() {
Insert sblogs;
PageReference parrec = new PageReference('/apex/CreateBacklogs?id={!}');
return parrec;
error :Id value {!} is not valid for the Sprint__c standard controller
You can't pass some value like that. It wll treate that as string.
PageReference parrec = new PageReference('/apex/CreateBacklogs?id='+someid);
Here get the Id into string of something, before this statement and use that valriable like as shown.
Here someid is my variable which contain the ID value.
All Answers
You can't pass some value like that. It wll treate that as string.
PageReference parrec = new PageReference('/apex/CreateBacklogs?id='+someid);
Here get the Id into string of something, before this statement and use that valriable like as shown.
Here someid is my variable which contain the ID value.
Thank you very much.