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Picklist setting to none


I have many dropdown lists on my aspx pages with the first element being --None-- with a value of "". Every time user selects an item I just do something similar to

Opp.Distributor__c = ddlDistributor__c.SelectedValue;

My questions is how do set it to unselected/not selected?

Opp.Distributor__c = ""  doesn't work?

Thank you


maz00 wrote:

Opp.Distributor__c = ddlDistributor__c.SelectedValue;

My questions is how do set it to unselected/not selected?

Opp.Distributor__c = "" doesn't work?

You need to use the string[] fieldsToNull and pass to it the name(s) of the field(s) you wish to blank.

Opp.fieldsToNull = new string[] {"Distributor__c"};