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Some questions about customer portal

I implemented customer portal's login and registration functionality.

1. User logged in through customer portal can see those pages listed in site's visualforce pages list. But these pages are public. What setting do I need to do, so that pages will be available only to users' logged in though customer portal?

2. After login user gets the default page of customer portal. It is combination of site's home page and default tabs like home, cases, solutions, etc. How can I redirect login function to any other visulforce page? I tried to change startUrl but it is not working.  What changes are needed in following login code?


 global PageReference login() {
     String startUrl = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('startUrl');
        return Site.login(username, password,startUrl);
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



1-Remove pages from sites, and Edit the "Enable Visualforce pages" list in the profile of the customer portal user. Mostly, authenticated website

2-In sites, you have an option to set the login URL. GIve the name of the page which you need to use as login page and use SiteLoginController for the customization

All Answers




1-Remove pages from sites, and Edit the "Enable Visualforce pages" list in the profile of the customer portal user. Mostly, authenticated website

2-In sites, you have an option to set the login URL. GIve the name of the page which you need to use as login page and use SiteLoginController for the customization

This was selected as the best answer
Thank you!!