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Flow display text with formula
In my flow, I would like to decide dynamically which text will appear in the "Display Text" element for the user.
I've tried this but it is literally printing it out and not interpreting it:
{!IF((1 = 1),"Case A","Case B")}
Anyone knows how I can get it working?
Please let me know that on what condition you want to display Text. if you have any condition then please let me know so I can provide you appropirate formula field.
Take the example of varA, a boolean.
So if the boolean (varA) is true, show the text "Case A", if not, show the text "Case B".
If you have one field on this object 'VarA' whose API is VarA__c ( it is checkbox type custom field)
Now if you want to show Text 'CaseA' when VarA__c is true and 'CaseB' when VarA__c is False then correct formula would be
IF(VarA__c = true, 'CaseA', 'CaseB')
On my flow I have one screen where I want to show some text based on a criteria: Based on data entered on the screen I check to see if the dates are more than 3 days between two date fields. Based on if the number of days is greater than three I send them back to the same screen, With the text: "I'm sorry but you need to make the dates no more than three days apart."
The trick was to create a formula variable, frm_FollowupDaysText: if ( {!followupDays} > 3, "I'm sorry but you need to make the dates no more than three days apart.",NULL). Then in my Text variable I just place my variable: {!frm_FollowupDaysText}