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How can I access the Data

Please tell me how can I access my data???

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Thanks for the info, now if you want to see the data uploaded then just click on the "Account" in the upper bar and select "All Accounts" in views and click "Go" . All accounts in your organization will be displayed.



Ankit Arora


All Answers

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

What exactly you want to do? Accessing data from where..Is it in apex?



Ankit Arora



I have uploaded the data from data loader now I want to check the data.

How I can do this?

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Please let me know in which object you have uploaded the data, is it a native object or your custom object?



Ankit Arora



I have uploaded data from data loader using xls in Account object.

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Thanks for the info, now if you want to see the data uploaded then just click on the "Account" in the upper bar and select "All Accounts" in views and click "Go" . All accounts in your organization will be displayed.



Ankit Arora


This was selected as the best answer

I was this close, I have clicked on account tab but it was only showing two records and not all so I was confused that where is the rest of my data. Thank you Ankit_Arora very much.

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

I can understand as once I was also a newbie :)



Ankit Arora



One more question please.......I have also uploaded some data in my custom object.......can you tell me how I can access the data of my custom object as i can not see any tab for it.



Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

Go To > Setup > App Setup > Create > Tabs > Create a new Custom Object Tab. After this the tab will be visible in the top bar and you can access your data from there.



Ankit Arora



Greattttt !!!! I got it ..... Thank you so much...