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My users find it confusing to see Salesforce as the title of the browser/browser tab. Is there a way to customize this?
for now we cannot change the title of standard of pages.
If you want to set the title for visual force pages, you can set using
<apex:page title="My VF Page Title"> --- content goes here</apex:page>
thanks for your speedy response
i'll have to look into making it a visual force page when time permists
thanks again
for now we cannot change the title of standard of pages.
If you want to set the title for visual force pages, you can set using
<apex:page title="My VF Page Title">
--- content goes here
All Answers
for now we cannot change the title of standard of pages.
If you want to set the title for visual force pages, you can set using
<apex:page title="My VF Page Title">
--- content goes here
thanks for your speedy response
i'll have to look into making it a visual force page when time permists
thanks again