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Help with Quickstart

I am new to SalesForce and I am trying to run the quickstart. I download the and unzip it. Then I ran the run.bat, the program start but I get the following login error message. Anybody know why this is happening, am I forgetting to do a step before running the program. Thanks in advance for the help.
apps> run.bat
1. Login
2. Get Accounts
3. Update Accounts
4. Get Server Timestamp
Enter a menu option: 1
User name:
Password: ****
Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out. Are you at a new location? When accessing Salesforce--e.

1. Login
2. Get Accounts
3. Update Accounts
4. Get Server Timestamp
Enter a menu option:
Your IP address is probably not whitelisted, so you'll need to use your password & api security token to login.

I had that mistake too.

You have two cases:

1) Your password is wrong.

2) You haven't attached a security token to it.

You can create new security token from the "Personal Information" menu. It will be send to you email.


