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can somone clarify if individuals who use my application will need to setup tomcat/axis as I did?

I'm developing a java app that will automate tasks for our company. However, i'm concerned that if each individual who uses this app will need to do what i did in order to get the wsdl2java file working it will never be used. That installation was far to complex for others to do. I'm hoping once I have generated the classes/bindings with wsdl2java that will be the it. I need some clarification o the necessity of axis once my application is coimplete. Will i be able to jar everything up and users can just launch my application? or will they need tomcat installed,axis in the folder setting up classpaths for the jars,etc.........


If they will need to to install tomcat and axis as i needed to are there any other options available? This just does not seem practical for the averrage user install....

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
They'll only need tomcat if the ui to your app is via the local webserver in tomcat. otherwise tools like fatjar can generate you a single jar with all your application code and dependent jars in a single jar.