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Java API using old API version
I have set up the Java Partner API on our platform (Java/Spring/Hibernate) and am able to log in and do queries. However, when I use this, it appears to be using an old version of the API. For instance, I cannot access Event.StartDateTime or Event.StartEndTime which have been available at least since version 12.0, nor can I access Event.Type.
How do I access these fields? Is it possible to use the new Partner API somehow or do I have to manually do Web Services through something else other than the given com.sforce.soap.partner packages? (e.g. create my own XFire code)
the sample is just that, a sample, its not meant to be the process by which you get access to the API.
the APi docs walk through the process of generating the api stubs from the WSDL document using WSDL2Java etc.
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How do I do this? I've downloaded the latest Partner WSDL but haven't a clue what to do with it and can't find instructions on how to do so.
Thanks for your help, Simon.
The first time around, I downloaded the Java Partner WSDL Sample 10.0 from here, added the included library JARs to my app, and added the com.sforce.soap.partner.* package source files included. Works great, albeit with API v10.0.
When I download the new Partner WSDL as you indicated, I get an XML document defining the Partner WSDL. I don't understand how these two things are related. What should I be doing?
the sample is just that, a sample, its not meant to be the process by which you get access to the API.
the APi docs walk through the process of generating the api stubs from the WSDL document using WSDL2Java etc.
And... voila! You should see a new com directory where you have the generated com.sforce.soap.partner classes. These instructions would have saved me an entire morning, so hopefully they can help others.
However, I'm still unable to get Event.type. I'm still getting "No such column 'Type' on entity 'Event'." Any ideas?
Did you not see this in the docs? or it is missing a step ?
I definitely missed that. It was not in the instructions that I was looking at, that's for sure!
Any ideas why I'm not able to query on Event.type with this newly generated code? This should be in the new WSDL and the API indicates that I should be able to.