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Anyone willing to help with some code (creating a 'Copy' button)?

I work at a nonprofit social services agency. One big part of our agency is case management. One of the things we do on a monthly basis are case management monthly summaries. Along with those summaries every month, the client has goals. These goals are updated from month to month and new ones are added. Right now we have a series of relationships.


Individuals (Contacts) are the master relationship. Case Management is an object that is the detail in a master-detail relationship with Contacts. Under case management, Monthly Case Management Summary is the detail relationship in a master-detail with Case Management. And then goal records are the detail in a master detail relationship with Monthly Case Management Summary.


Basically like this:




Case Management


Monthly Case Management

Goal Records


Every month, the summary is very similar. We keep a lot of information on there and add updates or any changes. We also update any goal records or add new ones. So, monthly it is likely we will make use of the "Clone" button so we don't have to reinvent the wheel with every monthly update. 


The problem however is that the goal records don't copy over. We could take away the relationship with the monthly case management summary and just make them related to Case Management, but we like the idea of them being together. Cloning each individual goal record (when at times the client could have 10-15 or even more) would be tedious and inefficient.


I posed this question in the forum and it was suggested that a developer could write code that would create a "Copy" button that would copy the monthly summary AND the related goal records over. We don't have anyone on staff that has that kind of coding knowledge.


I am writing to the forum to see if there's a developer that may be able to help us out with this. If you are interested, please contact me and let me know what fee you would charge.

Thank you.


Hi Blair, 


Please repost this in our Jobs Board:


