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Arunkumar KathirArunkumar Kathir 

Unable to update master lookup field



I have two custom objects. There is a Master-Detail relationship between them.


I have created a Master record and a Child record & related this to created Master record.


I have created one more Master record. I need to change the Master now.


But when I tried to edit the child record, it is showing the related Master lookup field as only readable.


Is this a new feature in Winter '14?


Is there any other way to change this?


Please clarify ASAP.








Hi Arun,


You have to do following customization in your object so you can edit the child record with different Parent.

1.  Go to setup-->Create-->Object

2.  Select your Child object

3.  Edit Your Master-detail Field

4.  Below Master-Detail options check the Checkbox Allow reparenting to true.

5.  click on "save" button.


Now you can Edit your child record with another master.



Hit Kudos if this provides you with useful information and if this is what you where looking for then please mark it as a solution for other benefits.

Thank You,
Hitesh Patel
SFDC Certified Developer & Administrator
My Blog:-


Arun - You will have to edit the master detail relationship and check the "Allow reparenting" option. Prior to Summer 12 reparenting child records was not possible as was a feature introduced in that release.