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Admin - Clone users



This might be a stupid question, but whenever I create a new account I need to customize the tabs shown from scratch, and it takes me a long time. Is there a way to just "clone" a new user and include the tab setttings from an existing user?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I think that you can create an App.  

The App will define what tabs are available for the App.

Assign the new user to this App.


Hope this helps.


 Screen shots here:

All Answers


I think that you can create an App.  

The App will define what tabs are available for the App.

Assign the new user to this App.


Hope this helps.


 Screen shots here:

This was selected as the best answer

Byrds' idea is good. You need to create an App. Setup->App Setup->Create->Apps and then create a new App. Add all the tabs you want to be available. Then create a profile and add the App to the profile.

[Do mark this answer as solution if it works for you and give a kudos.]

