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Existing custom object

I get a message



Error: The object name you specified already exists for your organization. You must specify a unique name across custom objects and article types.



I understand there is already an existing custom object by this name.

I am logged in as system administration.and in my profile setting i cannot see this existing object,nor in my recycle idea.any idea where i should look into correct this.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Jeff MayJeff May

Check for the 'API Name' of your custom objects, not the labels.  For example "My Object %" and "My Object $" would auto-create the same API name.

All Answers

Jeff MayJeff May

Check for the 'API Name' of your custom objects, not the labels.  For example "My Object %" and "My Object $" would auto-create the same API name.

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks Jeff.yeah i checked each and every object.and found for one object i had wrongly typed this API name for some reason :).

Is there any place you get list of objects with its API name.(for future use)