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Is there a way to not require business hours on a case - or set a default value?

I'm trying to not require business hours be set on a case during case create.


Is there a way to not have this requirement - or use a default value?


Thanks ahead of time!


By case create, I mean from within the UI...

Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

What exactly "Business Hours" are referring to?



Ankit Arora

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can you not jus set the hours to 24hours on this page?






On the case page, there is a spot to enter business hours...its required...  I'd like it to either default to some value (less desirable) or make it not required as I have a trigger setting it if not set.


I'd like to not have to choose any business hours as I have a trigger populating the value behind the scenes "on before"...


I seem to have to force the user to add the business hours when creating a case from the UI...


i think you will need to use a trigger of some sort to force this or use a custom case button that pre populates the business hours.


try having a look at this


you might be able to create a custom new case button that adds in the business hours, think you might need to populate these ID's. in the field you would just need to put the name of the business hours 



I believe I'll need to deal with a custom extension to do it...  I was looking at the problem backwards :)