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moe nDevmoe nDev 

Adding record


I've gotten sample application to work just fine. Login, edit/delete data.... now I need to know how to insert record. I haven't seen any examples on how to do that. Will query work just? What format do I need to set vars/values as?

Greatly appreciated,

moe nDevmoe nDev
OK, I've figured out how to use create after digging the posts or did I?

Here's the example...

        $fieldsToAdd = array( 'Name' => $name, 'BillingCity' => $ct, 'BillingState' => $st, 'Phone' => $phone, 'Fax' => $fax );
        $sObject = new SObject();
        $sObject->fields = $fieldsToAdd;
        $sObject->type = 'Account';
        $add = $mySforceConnection->create( array( $sObject ) );

and it worked just fine. So, it wasn't that bad after all.

Now, I guess what I'm looking for is some sort of ER diagram. I'd like to know what fields exist in what table etc. Furthermore, I've also tried using wildcart ( * ) in my sql and that didn't work out. Is there a list of what can't I use etc? Can I do joins?

Any answers to help noob are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

moe nDevmoe nDev
alrighty.... I've discovered sforce Explorer.... had bitching time getting it going since it doesn't work with .NET 2.0.
Will be .NET 2.0 at Winter 07 release.
Where can you get access to Sforce Explorer
Park Walker (TAGL)Park Walker (TAGL)
Try the developer tools page at It's in the 'Projects' section and is now called AppExchange Explorer  (and will probably get renamed to APEX Explorer next month).
Tran ManTran Man
That's the correct format.  You might want to check out test\SforcePartnerClientTest.php in the toolkit for samples.