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New to SalesForce using PHP setup..Please help

I am trying to setup SalesForce API on my windows server. Can someone tell me why I'm having a hard time finding and installing PHPUnit2 and such.
Is there a place or does someone have all of the Needed Packages already in a ZIP file, That I can obtain.
Also, Is this better to do in JAVA(the setup) I can use JAVA or php.
Let me know
Park Walker (TAGL)Park Walker (TAGL)
You do not need PHPUnit2 to use the PHP Toolkit, just a standard install of PHP 5.1.2 or better with the CURL, OpenSSL and SOAP extensions enabled, as outlined in the PHP 5 Setup document that is included with the library.

As for the question about using PHP or Java, if you have the option of using Java and have experiance with it I would suggest using it instead of PHP.

I have it all setup now, I will be using PHP.

Can you give me some examples of PHP on how to create a lead, and also to retreieve that lead so i can make sure i added it correctly.
Park Walker (TAGL)Park Walker (TAGL)
The edit example in the toolkit should get you started with retrieval and updating. Creation is not much different from updating. You'll probably want to review the API documentation for the exact call and arguements.