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Posting data to SalesForce from website...

I have a form on my site and I just merely want to post it to salesforce..What is the best way of doing so...I am currently using the PHP API and its not helpful.
Can someone point me to a example or a script they have made including all the includes.

Why not use the web2lead form?  You can generate this in the setup area of Salesforce under leads.
The web-to-lead form is great if you want to create a lead. Otherwise, you need some custom code.
The first problem is that you need to log in to Since the web visitor does not know your login/password to sfdc, you end up having to store a login/password on your web site. This approach is frowned upon by security-types, but I do not know any other way at the moment.
You may want to think about creating a special user category for the "web site" and severely limit what the web user can do.
Following the php toolkit examples, you should be able to log in, create a session, pass information to, and move on.
Let me know if you need more details.