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Eric SantiagoEric Santiago 

Query error

I'm having trouble getting information from the parent (Account) of a custom object. The error is MALFORMED_QUERY: SOQL statements can't query related data. I've confirmed that I am using the PHP 1.1 toolkit and the 8.0 partner wsdl file. Any other suggestions?


//include ('');
require_once ('../soapclient/SforcePartnerClient.php');
require_once ('../soapclient/SforceHeaderOptions.php');


try {
  $mySforceConnection = new SforcePartnerClient();
  $mySoapClient = $mySforceConnection->createConnection("partner.wsdl.xml");
  $mylogin = $mySforceConnection->login("******", "*****");

  $userResult = $mylogin->userInfo;
  echo $e->faultstring;
  echo "Error. Could not connect to Salesforce session.";


function getJobPosts($connection) {
try {
  $query = 'SELECT Id, Title__c, Publish_Start__c, Employer__c, Employer__r.Name from Job_Posting__c Where Status__c = \'Published\' and Publish_Start__c <= ' .date('Y-m-d').' and Publish_End__c >= ' .date('Y-m-d').' ORDER BY Publish_Start__c DESC Limit 10';
  $queryOptions = new QueryOptions(500);
  $response = $connection->query(($query), $queryOptions);
  return $response->records;
  }catch(Exception $e) {
  echo $e->faultstring;

  * Print out a list of the published job postings.  *
function displayRss() {
  global $mySforceConnection;
  //$result = $mySforceConnection->describeSObject("Account");

$posts = getJobPosts($mySforceConnection);
  //print introduction paragraph
 print ('<–xml version="1.0"˜>'. "\r\n");
 print ('<rss version="2.0">'. "\r\n");
 print ('<channel>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<title>Management Leadership for Tomorrow</title>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<link></link>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<description>Job opportunities exclusive to MLT.</description>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<language>en-us</language>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<pubDate>'.date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A').'</pubDate>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<lastBuildDate>'.date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A').'</lastBuildDate>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<docs></docs>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<generator>PHP</generator>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<managingEditor></managingEditor>'. "\r\n");
    print ('<webMaster></webMaster>'. "\r\n");
 if ($posts) {
 //list published positions
 try {
      foreach ($posts as $r) {
        $r = new SObject($r);
  print ('<item>'. "\r\n");
  print ('<title>'.$r->fields->Title__c.'</title>'. "\r\n");
  print ('<link>™Id='.$r->Id.'&EmpName=Warner%20Bros.%20Entertainment</link>'. "\r\n");
  print ('<pubDate>'.$r->Publish_Start__c.'</pubDate>'. "\r\n");
  print ('</item>'. "\r\n");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      // Ignore Notices???
  else { print ('<item><title>No positions available at this time.</title><link>#</link><pubdate></pubdate></item>');
  print ('</channel></rss>'. "\r\n");



Message Edited by Eric Santiago on 08-10-2007 01:54 PM

You think you're using the 8.0 API but you're not. (that particular error message is only generated by a api version check). PHP does aggresively cache the WSDL, so its possible its still using an older version of the WSDL than you might imagine.
Eric SantiagoEric Santiago
Thanks Simon. I restarted the web service and everything is working.

Now that the query works I'm a bit confused as how to reference the field in my output. Using the code below doesn't return the actual account name as expected. I suspect it has something to do with the dot notation but I'm not sure what the syntax should be. Any suggestions?

$employer = $r->fields->Employer__r.Name;
echo ($employer);
//returns "Name"

Eric SantiagoEric Santiago
Nevermind. I found the answer in another post.

Needed to use

$employer = $r->sobjects[0]->fields->Name;