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How to assign an Relation Object data to a variable

Hi Devs... 


My soql query

soqlQuery = "select id,name,, from SF_Account__c";


sObject[] records = null;
qResult = SFService.query(soqlQuery);
SF_Account__c SFAccount = new SF_Account__c();
SF__Sa_Ord__c SO = new SF__Sa_Ord__c();

if (qResult.size > 0)
MessageBox.Show("Total Number of records Present in Salesforce:"
+ qResult.size);
records = qResult.records;

for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
Acc= (SF_Account__c )records[i];
SA = (SF__Sa_Ord__c)records[i];   ---- Unable 


var1 = Acc.Id;

var2 = Acc.Name;

var3 = SA.SF__acc__r.Id;

var4 = SA.SF__acc__r.Name;




Exception : 

Unable to cast object of type

'WindowsFormsApplication1.SFDC.o2bc__Order_Line__c' to type



Can anybody know the solution ?


God I wish SF would elminate the whole underscore craze!  That stuff is so very hard to read.



Unfortunately, I don't know if you are posting the incorrect code for where the error is or what; there is no mention of Order_Line__c or Sales_Order__c in your code, so there is no way for us to say what could be causing the exception.


If you're saying the line SA = (SF__Sa_Ord__c)records[i]; is where the exception happens, I would say that you might be running into the problem of selecting  'SF_Account__c' records and are trying to convert them to 'SF__Sa_Ord__c'...they cannot be.


If your query is this:
SELECT Id, Name, Parent__r.Id, Parent__r.Name FROM Child__c


You would access the named objects like this:

Child__c child = (Child__c)result.records[i];  //The 'FROM' is what the records pulls, so convert them to that type
Parent__c parent = child.Parent__r; //The Parent is automatically filled based on the query pulling Parent__r.Id, Parent__r.Name, etc, so you can reference it directly once you have converted child