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Set the Session
In VBScript how can I set the SessionID on the SForceSession object? I dont want to login rather I want to use and existing sessionID.
I require to create the object
Set binding = CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit.SForceSession")
binding.<Set_Session_Member_or_Property> = SessionID
Rather than
Set binding = CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit.SForceSession")
document.writeln("Sales Force Login")
MeSession = binding.Login("<username>", "<password>", False)
Hi Sweetbox,
It is really straight forward:
binding.SessionId = SessionID
Ok that is easy but I have a type mismatch in my case.
I have a Web link in Salesforce to a html page with a vbscript. In the Web link I specify to pass the SessionID. From the url I parse the SessionID and attempt to assign it as you stated. The session ID arrives as a string how do I change it to type compatiable with binding.SessionID?
I figured out my problem with the session ID. I was checking if the sessionID was empty instead of null which gave a type fault. Now I only need to set the url for the connection?
binding.SessionID = sessionID
binding.<property for session url> = sessionURL
binding.SetServerUrl ""