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Where Client Preferences Can Be Stored?

What is the best practices for saving client preferences that I can read to determine whether or not to turn "on"/"off" functionality?


If someone could give me an example and what the syntax would be to retrieve the data that would be very helpful.


Thanks so much in advance.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Shivanath DevnarayananShivanath Devnarayanan

I'd Suggest you to use custom settings

there are two types " List " and "Hierarchical"

you can read more here:  to read more on custom settings methods


Pros : you can get the values stored in the custom settings without a SOQL

Global Cached values


Cons : you cannot store lookup values or Date time or complex data type on custom settings


As an alternative you could also have a custom Object and have a default values stored there .


Let me know if I could be of further help