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Can't we send group mails on coustom object by using a triggers.

Hello All


I got some problem on triggers .I am try to send a group mails by using triggers on custom object.

 I got this error message"INVALID_TYPE_FOR_OPERATION, Only Users, Contact or Lead allowed for targetObjectId ".


Can't we send group mails on coustom object by using a triggers.PLZ help me any one in this problem.


my code:



trigger RoomExpensesTrig on Rooom_mets__c (after insert) {

if(trigger.isInsert&&trigger.isAfter) {
Rooom_mets__c con1=[Select id from Rooom_mets__c limit 1];

List<Rooom_mets__c> emailID = [select Email_id__c from Rooom_mets__c];

String addresses;
if (emailID[0].Email_id__c!= null) {

addresses = emailID[0].Email_id__c;

for (Integer i = 1; i < emailID.size(); i++){

if (emailID[i].Email_id__c != null)
addresses += ':' + emailID[i].Email_id__c;

String[] toAddresses = addresses.split(':', 0);

EmailTemplate et=[Select id from EmailTemplate where name=:'VFTmpToEmail'];

Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

mail.setToAddresses( toAddresses );

Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail}); 


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

As the message says, "only Users, Contact or Lead allowed for targetObjectId ".

The ID you are giving to this method is the ID of a Rooom_mets__c object.


To relate the email to a custom object, I would rather try setWhatId


You have some useful doc here:

All Answers


As the message says, "only Users, Contact or Lead allowed for targetObjectId ".

The ID you are giving to this method is the ID of a Rooom_mets__c object.


To relate the email to a custom object, I would rather try setWhatId


You have some useful doc here:

This was selected as the best answer

Use array of String .

You should collect list of address.

String[] addresses;

This will help you .

Also may be i understood your requirement wrongly .Its never wise to use list as email[0].............

Instead use

int i=0;

for(Rooom_mets__c R:emailID)


if (R.Email_id__c!= null) {
addresses[i] = R.Email_id__c;


Use loop for list to use any concept.



Your main problem is you have defined address string only .

Make it array and it will solve your issue.


As wt35 has stated if you set the following on your message object you will be able to associate an apex email with a custom object:

setWhatId(<ID of custom object record>)
setTargetObjectId(<ID of Contact email is being sent to>)