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healthforcehealthforce Developer Wanted for Contract Work

We are looking for a part time developer to take on several projects.  We are looking for an independent contractor that has an interest in forming a long term relationship.
Tehncial work will involve a combination of apex, triggers, visualforce, etc.  We are located in Seattle and would prefer a local resource however this is not a requirement.
If interested please respond to
HealthForce Online provides on-demand customer relationship management applications for the healthcare industry. 

Message Edited by healthforce on 08-05-2008 03:49 PM
Hello ,
We can take up your work and will help on the same.
Please send us your estimated time to spend on this project if any.
Looking forward to discuss with you.
Kind Regards,

Narendra P Manney

Vice President

Global ERP & RFID Inc.,

350 Fifth Avenue #821

New York - NY 10118

Direct : 212-244-1797

Mobile : 908 906 8268