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Michel M.Michel M. 

My Sql Request, Such a challenge ?

Hello Guys,

I am trying to build a little formula field which will pass variables to a php page. Everything's going fine except that my request returns 0 values (and should return at least 3).
By the way I have tested it under Eclipse Schema and got an error, as if it was impossible to run joint requests on the tables ...

My Request :
Select a.OwnerId From Account a, User u where = 'Michel Mayor' AND a.OwnerId = u.Id

Can somebody help me understanding where I made a mistake ?


PS: Under eclispe I recieve unexpected U.Id, and if I change to a number ... It return me an error whith a relationship stuff ... telling me that the main entity is account.

[Ignoring the fact that your query needlessly joins to account]

select OwnerId from account where = 'Michel Mayor'

see the section on SOQL-R in the API Docs.