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Saleforce should build an SforceClient with the same Objects/ functions of SqlClient and MySqlClient

So learning to access Salesforce and I realized how smart MySQL was.


There is a set of objects and functions that C#(.NET) has for accessing MS SQL.  I had almost no learning curve accessing MySQL because after installing their client, using MySql.Data.MySqlClient, the objects and functions match all the objects and functions of the System.Data.SqlClient.


SqlCommand MySqlCommand

SqlCommandBuilder MySqlCommandBuilder

SqlConnection MySqlConnection

SqlConnectionBuilder MySqlConnectionBuilder

SqlDataAdapter MySqlDataAdapter

SqlDataReader MySqlDataReader




Woudn't development in Salesforce be so very simple to learn if it matches development in the other two most common databases. Lets face, while it is different than SQL and MySQL, SOQL is not that different. I am not saying they give up their current library scheme, I am just saying to build an additional scheme on top of it that is like this:












I just think this would take Saleforce "ease of use" to the next level. If I already know MySQL or SQL C# development practices, then I would also pretty much know SForce / SOQL development in C#.


I totally agree with this idea!


if it exists, It must be very easy to migrate from old software to salesforce.