I don't see forecasts as a table in the table list, i suspect ( but haven't checked) that forecasts are complex combinations of opportunity close dates, amounts, and product line item dates and amounts; and they are generated on the fly from those (opp,products,lineitems) tables.
which is why you don't see them as a table in the WSDL or connector
sounds like I need to submit a case. There has to be some sort of table out there because the users can mark which opportunities they are building their forecast from but also a separate commit amount that is not tied to any real opportunity. So somewhere it's storing that data. Maybe it's just not opened up on the API yet but I'll ask. Thanks.
I may have just found the answer for this. I changed the API to v7.0 using the latest Excel Connector and found 7 new tables: * QuantityForecast * QuantityForecastHistory * RevenueForecast * RevenueForecastHistory * Period * LineitemOverride * OpportunityOverride
I'm not yet sure of detail and relationship of the tables, but with a quick glance they seem to have the Forecasted information. What I don't see - at the moment - is a link back to the original opportunity in any of these tables. Does anybody know if there is documentation available on the Forecasting Tables?
well .. we have a solution that we built that requires reports to be set-up and we export the data that way. I was hoping to use the API and export the data directly but even with the 7.0 api it isn't doing it cleanly. We have a workbook that creates metric scorecards for every region and a roll-up all automatically for offline analysis.
I am trying to upload oppt. line items via xls connector. I have oppt. ID and product ID. when I try to insert whereby line Item ID is obatined upon insert, I get an error in the LineItemID saying that the Insert Row Failed: Product ID: id value of incorrect type: 01t30000000TfU8AAK (Note the additional three upper case letter in product ID).
Could it be because the API call is against ProductID and not Product2ID? If yes, how can I make the connection?
which is why you don't see them as a table in the WSDL or connector
* QuantityForecast
* QuantityForecastHistory
* RevenueForecast
* RevenueForecastHistory
* Period
* LineitemOverride
* OpportunityOverride
I'm not yet sure of detail and relationship of the tables, but with a quick glance they seem to have the Forecasted information. What I don't see - at the moment - is a link back to the original opportunity in any of these tables. Does anybody know if there is documentation available on the Forecasting Tables?
I am trying to upload oppt. line items via xls connector. I have oppt. ID and product ID. when I try to insert whereby line Item ID is obatined upon insert, I get an error in the LineItemID saying that the Insert Row Failed: Product ID: id value of incorrect type: 01t30000000TfU8AAK (Note the additional three upper case letter in product ID).
Could it be because the API call is against ProductID and not Product2ID? If yes, how can I make the connection?
Udi Merhav