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Everton CP7Everton CP7 

Lookup text field

Hi there,
I have an object called "Turmas".
And most of my cases are related to "Turmas".

I have a lookup field in "Cases" to search for the name of my "Turmas" and I have hundreds of "Turmas".

In "Turmas" I have an text field called "PIT" it's my external ID.
I tried to modify some filter configurations to made the field "Turmas" in cases filtering by "PIT" too and bring me the name of my "Turma". But isn't possible, because "PIT" is an text field.

There is a way to made my field "Turmas" in cases filtered by "PIT" and bring me the "Turma" that I looking for?

Thanks !


Could you add PIT to the Case?  Then you could use it in the lookup filter criteria.


Or is there enough information in Case fields to find the Turmas reference in a trigger?