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Step To Create Metadata.jar file

How To Create MetaData.jar File

(1)To get your WSDL, log into your organization and go to Your Name -> Setup -> App Setup -> Develop -> API. Generate the enterprise WSDL (unique to your organization) and the

Metadata WSDL, and save them to your desktop.

I was saved it as metadata.wsdl(must give wsdl extention to file) in my desktop.

install wsc.20 jar file to your desktop.

(2) Run this command

C:\Users\A\Desktop>set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_09\bin (Use only jdk1.6 not seem that wsc20.o was not cofigured for jdk1.7)

(3)copy tools.jar file from your jdk/lib and save it in jre/lib

(4) for creating Metadata.jar file run this command

java -classpath pathToWsc;pathToWscDependencies
pathToWsdl/WsdlFilename pathToOutputJar/OutputJarFilename

In my case I run this command

C:\Users\A\Desktop>java -classpath wsc-20.jar metadata.wsdl meta12

(5) It created meta12.jar in my desktop